芝加哥的多元化经济在美好时光和不良 - 城市投资在邻近刺激经济方面做得更好

芝加哥,2002年9月24日– Paul O’Connor, executive director of World Business Chicago, today reported that its analysis of the national economy over the last 12 years has shown that Chicago is doing better than other major cities in the current national economic slowdown, and he predicted Chicago is again poised to lead the nation’s big cities in recovery.

“While no one wants there to be anyone unemployed, the facts show that Chicago’s highly diversified economy stood up well during the national slowdown, and the local economy has already added back more than half of the jobs it lost since employment peaked in June 2001,” O’Connor said.


Employment in Chicago declined slightly more than 2% since June 2001, compared to Atlanta’s nearly 4% decline, New York’s more than 3.5%, San Francisco’s nearly 7.25%, and San Jose’s almost 10% job loss, according to World Business Chicago’s review of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics figures.


“By building a great place to work, live and play and by leading the nation in education reform, Chicago created more than 479,000 private-sector jobs in the ‘90s – more new jobs than New York, Los Angeles and Boston combined,” he said.

One aspect of the growth in Chicago’s economy over the past dozen years is its 82% growth in business services employment, which added 255,000 new jobs in software development and applications, engineering, marketing, consulting, management services, thereby surpassing the New York PMSA as the leading city for business services (SIC Codes 73 and 87). Chicago simultaneously emerged as America’s largest technology workforce, according to the University of Minnesota.


他说,芝加哥的改善的商业环境越来越受到国家新闻媒体的认可。亚搏下载他引用了选址杂志声称“Windy City在2001年为新的和扩大的设施公告提供了1美国地铁的挑战者。”芝加哥的884经济发展项目超亚博棋牌游戏过赛道上涨了底特律,比纽约和洛杉矶多500个,比亚特兰大多为700个。

他说,经亚博棋牌游戏济记录本身就讲,引用了波音公司的世界总部,福特供应商公园,ATA培训中心,独奏杯,中途机场重建,麦考克斯膨胀,士兵领域,箭牌公司,Stylemaster,Wacker Drive和邻近的强大企业家小企业增长。


“芝加哥展示了美国城市面临的最困难的挑战 - 在经济上处于不利地区的社区创造创造创业活动的最困难的挑战中,展示了稳定成功的赛道记录,”O'Connor说。亚博棋牌游戏




亚博游戏网站世亚博棋牌游戏界商业芝加哥(WBC)是一个由Mayor Richard M. Daley主持的非营利性经济发展组织,由Paul O'Connor指导。WBC领导芝加哥竞争优势,协调业务保留和吸引力,并寻求通过成为经济发展政策的思想领袖来提升芝加哥的商业环境。亚博棋牌游戏有关更多信息,请访问www.css-corporate.com.或呼叫(312)553-0500。



