开始:vcalendar版本:2.0 prodid: - //世界商业芝加亚博游戏网站哥 - ecpv4.6.20.1 // nonsgml v1.0 // en calscale:gregorian方法:发布x-wr-calname:世界业务芝加哥x-notion-url://www.css-corporate.com x-wr-caldesc:世界商业芝加哥的活动开亚博游戏网站始:vevent dtstart; tzid = UTC + 0:20180615T180000 DTEND; Tzid = UTC + 0:20180615T210000 DTSTAMP:20180511T210000 ID:20180608T211608Z上次修改:20180608T211608z UID:1966959-1529096400@www.css-corporate.com摘要:布朗齐维尔夏季夜晚又回来了!描述:QCDC非常兴奋地宣布Bronzeville夏季夜晚活动系列的第6季!加入我们庆祝和促进布朗齐维尔及其周边社区的商业。阵容正在升温......我们的六月的头条新闻将是一个唯一的Dante大厅!谁总是提供令人难以置信的表现。每个月都将是两个零售弹出窗口 - Aplomb和廉价购物者策划的老式时装经验\,Sassy Tlifers正在加入我们!虽然我们建议走廊走进所有美丽的社区和活动\,但是,手推车回归提供乘车。Plus \,Divvy和小型商店周期和服务正在与Bronzeville Bike之旅再次合作。\ n 6月15日活动将于47街在湖公园Ave.和Drexel Blvd之间进行。 \nQuad Communities Development Corporation is committed tolift up the community and create new opportunities for inclusive economic growth. Thank you for continuing this important journey with us and stay tuned for line-up\, activity\, and sponsor announcement! \nDon’t forget to put all four dates on your calendar now! \nPowered By: Quad Communities Development Corporation\, SSA #56 and SSA #47 \nShare:\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n URL://www.css-corporate.com/event/bronzeville-summer-nights-is-back/ LOCATION:Bronzeville\, Chicago\, Illinois CATEGORIES:Partner Event END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR